2nd BCT Media Links

This blog centralized media links for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division during its deployment from Korea to Iraq as part of OIF 2.5, Aug 2004 - July 2005. It was updated daily over the year, with only sporadic updates since. It is left on-line for historical interest (although many links are likely now broken) and as a tribute to the 2nd BCT servicemen who lost their lives serving in Iraq. May they rest in peace and may their legacy be forever remembered.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Articles 7.31.2005

The Fwd Detachment site lists Flights #11 & #12 scheduled for today. The Welcome Ceremony for Flight #11, containing soldiers of the 1-9th, occured at 2 a.m. Flight #12, containing soldiers of the 1-9th, 44th Eng, 1-506th, 2-72nd AR, 2-17th FA, and Bde HHC, has the welcome ceremony set for 2:30 p.m. There are now 15 flights scheduled, with the last scheduled to land on Aug 4.
The Stars & Stripes has a 4 part series on the experiences of the 2nd BCT as it went from Korea to Iraq to Colorado. The first article describes some of the changes that occured over they year for soldiers in the 1-9th, as well as sharing some personal anecdotes. Some quotes:
- "The blockades, along with a change in tactics, have produced results in Tamin, a district along Ramadi’s western edge. [...] “Between May and June, when we started the (Iraqi Security Force) patrols, there’s been a 65 percent decrease” in the number of homemade bombs, [Capt. Kevin Capozzoli] said. Between July 2 and July 20, there was only one detonation in Tamin."
- "the five Iraqi National Guard battalions that had been imported for election security were disbanded. They were inept and unorganized, so 2nd Brigade leaders cut them loose. [...] In May, the brigade started receiving and training new Iraqi army soldiers. Through July, 2nd Brigade soldiers said, the new Iraqi units have performed much better than the first group."
The Pueblo Chieftain, CO, has an article on returning 2nd BCT soldiers adjusting to "normal lives." Soldiers staying at the Colorado State University-Pueblo campus describe the huge amounts of donations they've received and the simple things they've been enjoying, such as going for walks.
Other Articles from the region:
- Associated Press: Iraqi Panel Asks for Delay on Constitution
- Reuters: Iraq constitution writers mull delay
- Washington Post (reg req'd): Iraq Faces Deadlock On Charter

Saturday, July 30, 2005

2 Soldiers Awarded Posthumous Silvers Stars

The Stars & Stripes reports that two Soldiers of the 1-503rd were awarded Silver Stars posthumously for action under fire. Pfc. Harrison J. Meyer and Staff Sgt. Thomas Vitagliano were both killed in Ramadi, and were credited with knowingly placing themselves in harm's way in an effort to save their fellow Soldier's lives. The Silver Star is the 3rd highest medal of valor bestowed in the Army.

Pfc. Meyer, a medic in 3rd Platoon, D Company, was on a patrol on 11.26.2005, when a sniper shot Pvt. Brian Grant. Pfc. Meyer provided aid and comforted Pvt. Grant until he was evacuated, although he later died in a hospital. After the evacuation, the patrol moved to find the sniper. As they ran across a street, five soldiers were shot in the legs by a machine gunner. Pfc. Meyer, who was shot in the calf and abdomen, found cover, but four soldiers were exposed in the street. Without order, Pfc. Meyer ran back out to move his wounded comrades, and was shot several times and mortally wounded. He was 20 years old.

SSG Vitagliano, of 5th Platoon, C Company, was with several soldiers on a patrol in Ramadi on 1.17.2005 when they were attacked by RPG and machine-gun fire. During the fight, a taxi drove up, and the soldiers ordered all of the occupants out. The driver stayed in the vehicle and made strange movements. According to the after action report, SSG Vitagliano "placed himself between the vehicle and [another soldier] by pushing him out of the way of the vehicle... As the vehicle detonated, SSG Vitagliano was killed instantly." Two other soldiers also were killed. But the soldier Vitagliano pushed out of the way survived with wounds and internal bleeding." Pfc. George R. Geer and Pfc. Jesus Fonseca were the other two soldiers killed. SSG Vitagliano was 33 years old.

The article also has several statistics on the 2nd BCT:
- Number of soldiers in the 2nd brigade: 3900
- Number of 2nd Brigade soldiers killed: 68
- Purple Hearts awarded: 498, with "several hundred more pending"
- Silver Stars awarded to date: 2
- Bronze Stars awarded to date: 12
- Suspected insurgents captured or killed: 2100

Articles 7.30.2005

The Grand Junction Sentinel reports that a widow of a 1/5 Marine killed in action gave birth on Tuesday, 7.26.2005. Becky Maynard, the widow of Lance Cpl. Chad Maynard (who was killed in Ramadi on 6.14.2005), gave birth to a baby girl, named Lanae Raelyn Maynard. The baby weighed 6 lbs, 5 oz, and mother and daugter are "are doing fine." According to the article, the First National Bank of Montrose, CO (look for Montrose Office), has established the Chad Maynard Memorial Fund for donations for Lanae's college funds.
The Fwd Detachment site lists the flight #10 welcome ceremony at 1:00 p.m. today, containing soldiers of the 1-9th, 1-506th, 2-72nd AR, and one soldier of the 2-17th.
Independent Journalist Christopher Allbritton keeps a blog called "Back in Iraq," and his most recent post is the text to a dispatch that was intended for TIME Magazine, but was never published. The dispatch discusses the situation the 1/5 Marines faced in Ramadi in May. There is also a very brief mention of the 1-503rd: "the Army’s 1st Battalion of the 503rd Infantry Regiment has the eastern half" of the city.
The Colorado Springs Gazette reports on 6 2nd BCT soldiers who followed up on a dream they held for several months while living in Iraq: visiting a day spa after their plane landed for massages, facials, pedicures, and for one soldier, even a back wax.
A Marine Corps News Article discusses the continued success of using "snap" vehicle control points to conduct searches in Ramadi. The new tactic has led to several finds, including on sniper rifle in the trunk of a car.
Other articles from the region:
- Washington Post (reg req'd): Security Costs Slow Iraq Reconstruction

Friday, July 29, 2005

Articles 7.29.2005

The Forward Detachment site lists the 9th flight returning today, with the welcome ceremony at 1 p.m. The flight contains soldiers of the 1-506th.
KOAA News has a video report on one of the welcome ceremonieswelcome ceremonies at Ft. Carson. Once the video starts, look in the "video menu" on the left side of the page for at least 4 segments on 2nd BCT arrivals.
KKTV News has video segments of arrivals listed on the right side of the page. Additional segments are found with this archive search on "2nd brigade".
The Salem Statesman Journal, OR, has an article on a wounded Marine in the 1/5 Marines. Sgt. Erik Sphoon was shot in his left arm and hand by a sniper while on a patrol in Ramadi on 6.12.2005. He has undergone more than a dozen surgeries, with more expected. He is married and the father of a daughter, and his wife helps him each day with "range-of-motion" exercises.
USA Today has a long, powerful article and an interactive flash video report on 150 Marines of the 1/5 Marines who are on their 3rd tour in Iraq. Some of their family members and friends are also quoted.
Other articles from the region:
- BBC: US troops may protect Iraq envoys

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Articles 7.28.2005

The Fwd Detachment indicates that Flight #8 is scheduled to arrive at 7:15 p.m. tonight, carrying Soldiers in the 44th Eng, 102 MI, and 1-506th.
The Pueblo Chieftain, CO, and Colorado 9 News have articles on 2nd BCT Soldiers temporarily staying in the dorms at Colorado State University-Pueblo. About 300 Soldiers of the 2-17th FA are staying there until released for their 30-day leave period. The university was contacted by Ft. Carson because of the Colorado State Games are being held in Colorado Springs, creating a shortage of hotel space.
KRDO News has an article on the previously announced news that the 4th ID will move from Ft. Hood to Ft. Carson, likely in the spring of 2007 after a 12 month tour in Iraq which starts this fall. The article mentions that "TODAY’S NEWS COMES ON THE HEELS OF THIS WEEK’S CONTINUED ARRIVAL OF THE 2ND BRIGADE COMBAT TEAM. THERE'S A POSSIBILITY THAT UNIT, CURRENTLY PART OF THE 2ND I-D, WILL BECOME PART OF THE 4TH I-D."
A Department of Defense news transcript discusses the restructuring of the Army's Modular Brigade Combat Teams and increase in number of BCTs from 33 to 43. Army Vice Chief of Staff Richard Cody mentioned the 2nd BCT three times:
- "You all have heard about Secretary Rumsfeld's Integrated Global Presence and Basing Strategy. So the second strategic initiative that's knit together in this restationing announcement are the initial stages of the return to the United States from overseas of Army units, some 50,000 soldiers; from Germany, 1st ID and 1st AD -- 1st Infantry Division, 1st Armored Division, and from Korea, the 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division."
- "We're going to re-station some of these units coming off of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Operations -- Operation Enduring Freedom, as they rotate back to the United States. One in particular is the 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division from Korea, which is now in Iraq, will not return to Korea."
- "And BRAC allowed us also, as Mr. DuBois said, to be able to optimize all the posts, camps and stations that have maneuver training and get the footprint of the Army, as it comes back from Europe and as parts of the Army comes back from Korea and as we grow to 43 maneuver brigades. It affords the opportunity to put the right formations at the right posts, camps and stations for training, for quality of life for the families, for power projection, for a(n) Army expeditionary force, to sustain a global war on terrorism. [...] As Mr. DuBois said, this used to be two brigades. That brigade's 2nd of the 2nd. That's the one that we put into Operation Iraqi Freedom, rotation number three. They have already started redeploying. Those soldiers came from Korea, fully trained, and moved right into Iraq and, as you know, have fought there for 12 months and done a super job. Their families are all over the United States. Usually those soldiers would come back to another post, camp or station and rejoin their old outfit. Now that we're moving the whole brigade back, we had to find a place for -- because the 3rd -- because of our studies, we looked at all the different posts, and because the 3rd Army Cav Regiment was deployed, we elected to put them here, at Fort Carson. And there was a good reason for it. We looked at everything else. So they're already coming home. Their families are already moving there. That unit will change its flag over time and become a brigade of the 4th Infantry Division. And we'll stabilize that formation."
Other articles from the region:
- Associated Press: Iraq Builds Up Military, Police Forces
- Associated Press: Iraq Urges Neighbors to Stop Infiltrators
- Washington Post: Iraqi Charter to Give Religion a Big Role

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Articles 7.27.2005

The Fwd Detachment lists flights through Aug 1, 2005. The last flight (#13) contains Soldiers of the Brigade Headquarters, including 2nd BCT Commander Col. Gary Patton, possibly indicating the final flight. Flight number 7 is scheduled for 11:15 a.m. today, carrying Soldiers in the 2-17th FA and 102 MI.
Other articles from the region:
- Reuters: US may sharply cut Iraq force within year: general
- AFP: Iraq constitution drafters convene emergency meeting of leaders: report
- BBC: Iraq PM urges 'speedy' US pullout
- Knight Ridder: Drafters of Iraq's constitution grapple with dual citizenship

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Articles 7.26.2005

The Fwd Detachment has new flights listed with Soldiers of the 1-506th Infantry, 2-72nd Armor, 1-9th Infantry, 44th Engineers, and 122nd Signal Battalion. Flight number 6 is scheduled for 7:45 p.m. tonight, carrying Soldiers from the 2-17th FA, 44th Eng, 102 MI, 1-506th INF, and 122 SIG.
Other articles from the region:
- BBC: Insurgents 'joining Iraqi police'
- London Guardian: Iraqi police recruits not up to scratch, says US report
- AP: Constitution draft worries Iraqi women
- AP: U.S. Report Faults Iraqi Police Screening
- Knight Ridder: Report finds significant problems with Iraqi police training

Monday, July 25, 2005

Pictures of arrival ceremonies

There was a request in a comment to post pictures of the arrival ceremonies. The 1-503rd B Company web-site (run by Wayne Creek) has several great pictures from the first arrival ceremony. My father, LTC (Ret) Howard Kirk, took pictures of the 2nd Flight ceremony (also from the 1-503rd), and some of his pictures (along with my commentary) are found here. If anyone has additional pictures (or takes them at future ceremonies) or written descriptions of the several flight arrivals, please let me know (rkirk@gis.umn.edu) or add them to comments here.

Once all of the soldiers are home, this blog will transition from daily news searches to a sporadically updated tribute and historical repository site. Thanks for the kind comments and e-mails that several people have sent. It's been my pleasure to be a small part of this huge support community (which is inspiring in it's own right), and my great pleasure to watch these troops inspire us all with their relentless effort and determination in such trying times. I wish I knew how to share their stories with more people in this world, because they are truly remarkable.
~ Ryan

Articles 7.25.2005

The Fwd Detachment lists flights scheduled every day through July 29, with more expected. Four flights have landed, with another scheduled today containing Soldiers of the 2-17th FA, 102nd MI, and 2nd FSB.
Other articles from the region:
- Associated Press: Sunnis Rejoin Iraqi Constitional Panel
- Christian Science Monitor: The rise of a jihadi suicide culture
- Reuters: Iraq Sunnis to End Constitution Committee Boycott

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Articles 7.24.2005

KRDO News briefly mentions the arrival of Soldiers at Ft. Carson over the weekend.
Other articles from the region:
- Detroit Free Press: Iraqi troop division unready, Marine says
- NY Times (reg req'd): Defying U.S. Efforts, Guerrillas in Iraq Refocus and Strengthen
- Chicago Tribune (reg req'd): Iraqi security forces still lag, Pentagon says
- BBC: Sunnis quit Iraq constitution body
- USA Today: Pentagon report: Insurgency failing to disrupt democracy
- LA Times (reg req'd): Sunnis to Rejoin Iraqi Constitutional Committee
- LA Times (reg req'd): Rebels Banking on U.S. Pullout, Official Says
- NY Times (reg req'd): Thorny Issues Remain on Draft of New Constitution for Iraq
- Washington Post (reg req'd): Work on Iraqi Constitution Is Stalled by Sunni Delegates' Boycott
- Knight Ridder: U.S. military looking at two new devices to defeat roadside bombs in Iraq

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Articles 7.23.2005

The Fwd Detachment site now has flight manifests posted for Soldiers in the 1-506th.
Blog author's note: I was able to attend the welcoming ceremony for the 2nd flight of Soldiers arriving at Ft. Carson. Several hundred people were in attendance, including many 2nd ID Soldiers who had previously arrived at Ft. Carson. Also in attendance were several wounded Soldiers who were receiving treatment at either the Brook Army Hospital or Walter Reed Hospital. Volunteer groups such as impactahero.net provided free flights and accomodations for the wounded Soldiers so that they could greet their returning comrades. In the Special Events center, the several hundred Soldiers marched in to thunderous applause. A general spoke for less than 5 minutes to express his appreciation, welcome the Soldiers to Ft. Carson, and pay tribute to the fallen Soldiers. Then a declaration of "Dismissed!" was yelled, and the families and friends rushed to meet their Soldiers. Personally, I witnessed two separate fathers who met a child for the first time (neither related to me in anyway). I saw returning Soldiers rushing over to greet wounded Soldiers. I saw Soldiers being interviewed for the local news who couldn't have cared less about the camera but just wanted to stare at and touch and hug their wives and children. And, of course, the smiles and tears were everywhere.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Articles 7.22.2005

The Peublo Chieftain, CO, has an article on the arrival of the 1st Flight of 2nd BCT Soldiers. Several family members are quoted at the welcome reception.
Blog author's note: I am updating this blog following the arrival of the 2nd Flight and before the welcome ceremony. About 150 people were waiting outside the main gate of Ft. Carson at 5:30 a.m. Welcome signs hung from trees along the route. Four charter buses passed through the gate with police escorts, each of the buses painted to announce the arrival of the 2nd BCT. Families cheered and jumped up and down and took pictures of the Soldiers, and some of the Soldiers waved and took pictures right back at us. Of the few faces I could see on the buses, tiredness and relief were the emotions that were most evident. After enterting the gate, fire engines shot water in big arcs across the road in tribute. We have been told that there will be about two additional hours of in-processing, and then the welcome ceremony will be held. The 3rd flight is scheduled to land this evening, with the ceremony expected to be held shortly after midnight.
Other articles from the region:
- Associated Press: Pentagon Cites Progress in Iraq Democracy
- NY Times (reg req'd): Iraqis Not Ready to Fight Rebels on Their Own, U.S. Says
- Washington Post (reg req'd): Sunni Faction Halts Work on Iraqi Charter

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Articles 7.21.2005

The Ft. Carson Fwd Detachment has flight manifests listed for the 2-17th FA. Also, the 2nd scheduled flight containing Soldiers of the 1-503rd has been delayed from Thursday mid-day to Friday morning, apparently due to mechanical difficulty with the plane. The reception is currently scheduled for 8:45 a.m. (this has changed from the 6:45 time posted yesterday). The 3rd flight is still scheduled for 9 p.m. tonight.
No articles on 2nd BCT units or their area of operations were found today.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Articles 7.20.2005

The Denver Post, KRDO News, the Colorado Springs Gazette, and the Grand Junction Sentinel have articles on the arrival at Ft. Carson of the first 213 Soldiers of the 2nd BCT.

An estimated 1000 family members, friends and Soldiers attended the reception. In addition to families, fellow Soldiers were waiting for their buddies. One quoted Soldier was Pfc. Matt Pederson, of the 1-503rd, who was seriously wounded in the 11.6.2005 suicide attack on a 7-ton truck that wounded 19 Soldiers. Pfc. Pederson is in a wheelchair. "I haven't seen my buddies in nine months," he said. "It's been hard. It's a relief to know that everyone is all right now."

The Gazette article notes that there will be more than 20 separate arrival flights and receptions. Some family members have vowed to attend all of them to show their support.
Other articles from the region:
- Reuters: Iraq constitution body in turmoil
- LA Times (reg req'd): Sunni on Constitution Panel Slain

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Articles 7.19.2005

The Colorado Springs Gazette has an article on the arrival today of the 1st scheduled flight of 2nd BCT soldiers, containing more than 200 Soldiers (the Fwd Detachment site lists them all being in the 1-503rd). The flight is scheduled to land at 12:30 p.m., with the welcome reception set for 4 p.m.
Other articles from the region:
- Associated Press: Iraq, Neighbors Discuss Border Control
- AFP: Iraq constitution may be ready by end-July: Talabani
- Christian Science Monitor: Iraqis race to finish constitution

Monday, July 18, 2005

Flight Manifests for 2FSB, 122 SIG, & 177th FIN

The 2nd BCT Forward Detachment Site has flight manifests posted for the Ft. Carson arrival of Soldiers in the 2nd Forward Support Battalion, 122nd Signal Battalion, and the 177th Finance Battalion (in addition to the previously posted 1-503rd). Overall, the flights have been scheduled to land every 1-2 days, starting on Tuesday, 7.19.2005.

The posting of the manifests appears to follows the 7-day advance notice mentioned in the 2nd BCT redeployment plan. The plan states that these 7-day notices are 90% accurate, and are locked by 3-days before arrival.

Articles 7.18.2005

A Marine Corps news article reports on an operation by the 1/5 Marines in Ramadi to create temporary vehicle checkpoints to search for insurgents and weapons. This type of operation is new to the battalion, and resulted in the detainment of 7 suspected insurgents.
Other articles from the region:
- BBC: Iraqi PM in landmark Iran visit
- NY Times (reg req'd): Iraqi Boy's Journey to Erase the Scars of War
- USA Today: Soldiers re-enlist beyond U.S. goal
- Washington Post (reg req'd): Iran, Iraq Herald 'New Chapter' in Shiite-Led Alliance

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Articles 7.17.2005

The Olean Times Herald, NY, has an article from a Soldier in the 1-503rd who is a world class runner and continued his training while in Ramadi. In the article, Sgt Joshua Butts describes the challenges of training while serving in Iraq and the effects the war and training have had on him. Sgt. Butts plans to leave the Army, and hopes to run for Tulsa University, with a dream of competing in the 2008 Olympics.
A Marine Corp news article features a night patrol of Marines in the 1/5 Marines. On this mission, they located and detained an insurgent believed to be a cell leader.
Other articles from the region:
- Reuters: Iraqis helpless against new wave of suicide attacks
- Christian Science Monitor: After Iraq attacks, calls for militias grow
- Knight Ridder: Iraqi muslim sects' antagonism grows

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Articles 7.16.2005

The Rocky Mountain News has an article on preparation for the arrival of the 2nd BCT. Several quotes:
- "They are moving southward out of Iraq to Kuwait. By Tuesday... soldiers will begin arriving at Fort Carson."
- "Their tour [in Iraq] was punishing. The unit was assigned to Ramadi, one of the country's worst combat zones, where 68 of its soldiers were killed and approximately 400 were wounded."
- "About 54 percent of 2nd Brigade soldiers are married."
- "Less than 200 families have moved to Fort Carson so far. Woolley doesn't expect many to arrive until fall."
- "About 90 Korean spouses are waiting to join their husbands when the brigade lands in Colorado Springs. All must go through immigration proceedings to come to the United States, and the 2nd Division in Korea is helping them with that process."
- "Single soldiers and about 10 percent of the families will be able to live on post immediately, with the rest living in the city."
- "Frontier Airlines donated 10 round-trip tickets to a local support group, The Home Front Cares, to bring some of the brigade's wounded soldiers from hospitals in Bethesda, Md., and San Antonio, Texas, for their unit's arrival, said the group's director, Bob Carlone."
The Colorado Springs Gazette carries an article on the welcome ceremonies planned for the arrival of the 2nd BCT. Several quotes:
- "The big homecomings for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team will start Tuesday at Fort Carson, when 200 soldiers are expected to arrive after a year of fighting in Iraq. The Tuesday event will kick off more than a month of welcome ceremonies at the post for more than 3,600 soldiers from the brigade."
- "After the first 200 soldiers are welcomed Tuesday, their comrades won’t be far behind. Five flights of soldiers are due next week."
- "The last of the brigade’s soldiers should be at Fort Carson within six weeks, Johnson said."
- "In the next few weeks, Fort Carson also is expecting an influx of families from the brigade. As many as 900 families are expected to join the 300 who have moved to Colorado Springs."
Other articles from the region:
- Financial Times, UK: Suicide bombers step up role in Iraq

Friday, July 15, 2005

Articles 7.15.2005

The Norwich Bulletin, CT, and Washington Post (reg req'd) have articles on the funeral service for Spc. Christopher Hoskins, of the 1-9th, who was killed in Ramadi on 6.21.2005. Spc. Hoskins had reenlisted in the Army in May. He was remembered for his lifelong interest in caring for others. Spc. Hoskins was buried at the Arlington National Cemetery. His family has started a campaign to raise funds to provide lights for all flagpoles at schools in Connecticut, so that the flag does not have to be taken down each day. The Norwich Bulletin article provides donation information on the right side-bar of the page. Spc. Hoskins was 21 years old.
Fox News Commentator Oliver North has an article on his definitions of terrorists and heroes. One of his examples of heroes is a 2nd BCT soldier: "U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Jonathan Holsey really is a hero. A nine-year Army veteran, Staff Sgt. Holsey was serving in the 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment -- one of the units I've been privileged to cover in Iraq for FOX News. A roadside bomb -- placed by a terrorist, not an insurgent, not a "bomber," a terrorist -- so severely wounded him that his left leg had to be removed below the knee at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He now wears a prosthetic leg -- yet he plans to stay in the Army. When I asked him why, he replied, "because my soldiers need me. We have a war to win -- and my country needs me."
The Washington Post (reg req'd) mentions an arrest of an terrorist leader in Ramadi: "Khamis Farhan Khalaf Abdul Fahdawi, known as Abu Seba, was captured Saturday in Ramadi, 60 miles west of Baghdad, the military said in a statement. Described in the statement as a member of al Qaeda in Iraq's leadership cell, Abdul Fahdawi was allegedly involved in the abduction of Ihab Sherif, Egypt's top diplomat in Iraq, in Baghdad on July 2 and Sherif's subsequent killing. He also played a role in attacks on diplomats from Bahrain and Pakistan on July 5, the statement said." The NY Times (reg req'd) reports that "Fahdawi was among the "close confidantes" of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi."
Other articles from the region:
- NY Times (reg req'd): 8 Months After U.S.-Led Siege, Insurgents Rise Again in Falluja

Thursday, July 14, 2005

2nd BCT arrival flight manifests

The Ft. Carson forwarded detachment web-site has posted the manifests for flights of returning soldiers in the 1-503rd. Also given are the expected reception ceremony times.

Articles 7.14.2005

The Wilson Daily Times indicates that a U.S. Congressman read a poem on the floor of the House of Representatives that was written by fallen 2nd BCT soldier Cpl. Phillip C. Edmundson. Cpl. Edmundson, of the 1-9th, was killed on on 6.1.2005. The poem, which was also read at his funeral, is reprinted here:

"A Soldier's Reflections"
by Cpl. Phillip Edmundson

I was that which others did not want to be.
I went where others feared to go
and did what others failed to do.
I asked nothing from those who gave nothing
and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness ...
Should I fail, I have seen the face of terror;
Felt the stinging cold of fear;
and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moment's love.
I have cried, pained, and hoped ...
but most of all, I have lived times others would say
were best forgotten.
At least someday I will be able to say that I was proud of what I was ...
"A Soldier."
The Colorado Springs Gazette reports on a memorial service held yesterday at Ft. Carson for 10 2nd BCT Soldiers. Staff Sgt. Jason Hendrix, Staff Sgt. Juan D. Garcia-Arana, Sgt. Larry Kuhns, Sgt. 1st Class Neil Prince, Spc. Anthony Kinslow, Spc. Nicolas Messmer, Staff Sgt. Thor Ingraham, Spc. Louis Niedermeier, Sgt. Antwan Walker, and Cpl. Phillip Edmundson were eulogized by fellow Soldiers during the ceremony at the Soldiers’ Memorial Chapel.
Other articles from the region:
- Associated Press: Some Sunni Leaders Urge Community to Vote
- LA Times (reg req'd): New U.S. Envoy to Rethink Reconstruction
- Christian Science Monitor: Why Iraq oil money hasn't fueled rebuilding

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Articles 7.13.2005

There are no articles today on 2nd BCT units or their area of operations.
Other articles from the region:
- Knight Ridder: Foreign troops could soon leave some cities, Iraq official says
- Washington Post: U.S. Says Zarqawi Aide Caught
- NY Times (reg req'd): Iraqi Leader Says Iraqis Can Secure Some Cities

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Articles 7.12.2005

The Massachussetts Republican has an article on Capt. John W. Maloney, of the 1/5 Marines, who was killed in Ramadi on 6.16.2005. His family expressed their gratitude for the support the community provided after his death and during his 6.29.2005 memorial service, which was attended by 800 people. Capt. Maloney has two brothers who are also Marines who have served in the middle east. Hewas 36 years old.
The Ashland Daily Tidings, OR, has an article on a wounded Marine of the 1/5 Marines. Lance Cpl. Marshall Spring suffered shrapnel wounds and a ruptured ear drum when an IED exploded near his vehicle. Lance Cpl. Spring is a dog handler repsonsible for finding explosives and weapons. He and his dog, Rex, located "15 improvised explosive devices, as well as hidden Soviet firearms." Rex was not injured in the explosion.
Other articles from the region:
- Reuters: Iraq prime minister defends U.S. troop presence
- Reuters: Saddam's secret police still have long reach
- Christian Science Monitor: Iraq, Internet fuel growth of global jihad
- Knight Ridder: Sunni-Shiite Muslim conflict in Iraq invades the home

Monday, July 11, 2005

Articles 7.11.2005

The Stars & Stripes has an article on the transformation of the 2nd ID in Korea to a new 'Unit of Execution'. Part of the transformation was the inactivation of the Engineer Brigade, which contained the 44th Eng before it was redeployed to Korea. The Engineer Brigade had been heavily involved with training the 2nd BCT for its redeployment and closing several bases around Korea.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports on several attacks across Iraq, including one in Ramadi: "In the fifth suicide attack only the bomber died when he detonated his car bomb near a US-manned checkpoint in Ramadi, also west of Baghdad, the military said."
Other articles from the region:
- NY Times (reg req'd): Part-Time Forces on Active Duty Decline Steeply

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Articles 7.10.2005

The Colorado Springs Gazette reports on the efforts of the Army to ease the transition of the 2nd BCT as is it permanently restationed following a wartime deployment, the first time such a transition has ever occured in the U.S. military. Some quotes:
- "The first large contingents of the brigade are expected to arrive as soon as next week."
- "Most of its soldiers had spent a year in South Korea without their families when they got orders to ship to Iraq, where they spent another year... the extra time apart will make bringing families back together more difficult, requiring more care and counseling."
- "The brigade’s high casualty rate is the result of some of the toughest combat of the war. Its soldiers patrol Ramadi, one of Iraq’s most dangerous cities, and have been attacked on a daily basis, said the brigade’s commander, Col. Gary Patton."
- "About 60 [2nd BCT] families include South Korean spouses, some of whom are coming to the United States for the first time."
- "Of the 1,200 families tied to the brigade, about a quarter will wind up living on post and the rest will live off-post."
- "About a quarter of the families have arrived in Colorado. Most of the rest are expected after the brigade comes home."
- "Up to 1,000 soldiers from the brigade will leave the Army or be transferred in the coming months." [400 leaving the Army, 600 transferring]
- "The big welcoming events are scheduled for September, after the brigade’s soldiers have returned from leave. A barbecue, a week of family activities and a ceremony for the brigade are planned."
Other articles from the region:
- Washington Post (reg req'd): Marines, Iraqi Forces Raid Insurgent Strongholds
- NY Times (reg req'd): Marines and Iraqi Troops Start Push Against Rebels

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Articles 7.9.2005

The Guam Pacific Daily News has an article on a wounded 2nd BCT Soldier. 1st. Lt. Frederick Babauta (who's unit wasn't given, but is based in Ramadi and was scheduled to leave Iraq for Colorado 21 days after he was wounded) suffered serious shrapnel wounds down the ride side of his face and body when a bomb exploded as they prepared to clear a house around 1 a.m. on the night of June 24. 1LT Babauta was evacuated, and is presently undergoing treatment at the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Burn Center in San Antonio, TX. He was recently removed from ICU. He hopes the wounds are not so severe to keep him from his goal of being a career Soldier. He is married with 3 daughters, who left Guam to be at his side. Another unidentified Soldier was also wounded in the blast, but no details were provided.
The AP and Reuters report on a new operation in the Anbar province that does not appear to involve any 2nd BCT units. Operation Scimitar is being conducted by 500 Marines and 100 Iraqi troops in the village of Zaidon, SE of Fallujah. This is the 4th offensive in the province over the past month. 2nd BCT units were reportedly involved in the 3rd, Operation Sword.
Other articles from the region:
- LA Times (reg req'd): Iraqis Worry That Diplomats May Flee Violence
- NY Times (reg req'd): Iraq Asks Muslim States for Support After Envoy's Killing
- Washington Post (reg req'd): General Says Insurgency Weakened in Baghdad

Friday, July 08, 2005

Articles 7.8.2005

A Marine Corps news article features a night patrol of the 1/5 Marines as they locate and detain several insurgents previously identified through human intelligence.
A separate Marine Corps news article follows a patrol of the 1/5 Marines as they search for a sniper that had been operating in the area. While not finding the sniper, they identified several buildings where the sniper might fire from.
Other articles from the region:
- LA Times (reg req'd): Fallouja's Role in Insurgency Sets Back Native Sons
- Knight Ridder: Experts: No good options for Iraq

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Articles 7.7.2005

There are no articles on the 2nd BCT, its related units, or area of operations today.
Other articles from the region:
- Reuters: Iraq signs military pact with Iran
- Reuters: Police force often the only hope for jobless Iraqis
- LA Times (reg req'd): It's Stop and Go for Iraq's Charter Panel

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Articles 7.6.2005

A Multi-National Force-Iraq news release reports the conclusion of Operation Sword. According to the article, "There were no fatalities among Iraqi or American forces" and "No major battles or air strikes occurred." Marines and Iraqi Security Forces will remain at Camp Hit on the outskirts of the town, "the first time the ISF and Marines will live and work continuously within the city." It was never fully reported which 2nd BCT units were involved in the operation.
An Associated Press article mentions an incident in Ramadi: "Another mortar attack killed two sisters, ages 20 and 30, doctors said, in an area just north of Ramadi, the capital of the volatile western Anbar province. It was not known who fired the mortar."
A Department of Defense news release reports on a helicopter fire in Ramadi: "The military is investigating a fire that destroyed a CH-47 Chinook helicopter near Camp Ramadi July 2. All crew and passengers exited the aircraft safely, officials said. One crewman suffered minor injuries and was treated. The aircraft was assigned to Multinational Force Iraq and was used for resupply operations."
Other articles from the region:
- Christian Science Monitor: Steady violence threatens Iraq's diplomatic relations
- Washington Post (reg req'd): U.S. Taking More Direct Role on Iraq Crime
- Knight Ridder: Insurgents in Iraq target high-ranking Muslim diplomats

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Articles 6.30.2005 - 7.5.2005

The Associated Press reports on the funeral for Spc. Christopher Lee Hoskins, of the 1-9th, who was killed in Ramadi on 6.21.2005. More than 300 people attended a memorial service, including a U.S. Senator and a Congressman. Spc. Hoskins was 21 years old.
The Washington Post (reg req'd) carries a long article on the 1/5 Marines during their 3rd tour in Iraq, and features Lance Cpl. Marty G. Mortenson, who was killed in Ramadi on 4.20.2005. E-mails from Lance Cpl. Mortenson to his family are quoted, and several fellow Marines are quoted. He was planning to leave the Marines at the end of his enlistment in less than a year, and "was interested in joining the National Guard, working as a firefighter or attending community college to learn auto body work." Lance CpPl. Moretenson was 22 years old.
The New Haven Register and WFSB News have articles on the dedication of a memorial honoring Staff Sgt. Thomas E. Vitagliano, of the 1-503rd, who was killed in Ramadi on 1.17.2005. The granite memorial was placed near an Armistice Memorial in Sgt. Vitagliano's home town, and there are plans to add his name to a flagpole at a veteran's memorial.
The Wasington Post (reg req/d) reported on 7.4.2005 that "Near the western city of Ramadi, a suicide car bomb was detonated at a checkpoint run by U.S. Marines and Iraqi troops. Police said at least four Iraqi soldiers were killed and five Marines were wounded, but subsequent casualty counts compiled by news services listed only two wounded Marines and no deaths." Reuters briefly notes the incident: "A suicide car bomber drove at a U.S. checkpoint in Ramadi, west of Baghdad, and swerved away into a house after U.S. troops opened fire, the U.S. military said. The military said two soldiers were wounded. Eyewitnesses said four civilians were also hurt."
A Multi-National Force-Iraq news release from 7.2.2005 (and from 6.3.2005) report on Operation Sword. There have been no casualties of U.S. or Iraqi forces. A 6.29.2005 MNF-Iraq news release incidates that 100 Iraqi soldiers are integrated with the 1000 U.S. troops in the operation. The Washington Post (reg req'd) reported on 7.1.2005 that coalition forces "have seized thousands of pounds of explosives and arrested dozens of suspected insurgents". There has been no indication on an ending date for Operation Sword.
A separate Multi-National Force-Iraq news release on 7.2.2005 reports that Iraqi Forces and soldiers of the 1-503rd "uncovered seven weapons caches, a car-bomb factory and a roadside bomb making factory late afternoon on June 30 in the Industrial area, northeast of the Saddam Mosque" in Ramadi. According to the release, this was the first combat operation in Ramadi for the 600-soldier 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, 1st Division of the Iraqi Security Forces since their arrival from Baghdad on 6.28.2005. Local citizens provided information to the Iraqi forces that led to the find.
A Marine Corps News Article features a Marine assisting with the training of Iraqi forces. Lance Cpl. Benjamin Griffith is an instructor with the Combined Action Platoon, responsible for training ISF soldiers. He describes his impressions of the progress of the Iraqi forces. The article also follows a joint US/Iraqi patrol.
The Chicago Daily Herald has an article on the family of Sgt. Joshua Dimitri (who's unit isn't given beyond 2nd ID). Sgt. Dimitri told his family that his return date to Ft. Carson was rescheduled from 7.26.2005 to 7.19.2005. Several families members had booked flights, and are talking to their airline about avoiding the large penalties for changing dates. There is no reported reply from the airline. The article also mentions that Sgt. Dimitri will be meeting his child for the first time upon his return home.
The Ft. Carson Mountaineer (pdf or text file) has an article on the Purple Heart ceremony held at Ft. Carson on June 28.2005. 25 Soldiers received Purple Hearts. Pfc. Joseph Peterson of the 1-506th, who was wounded on 5.14.2005, is quoted.
Other articles from the region:
- USA Today: Troops put lives on line to be called Americans
- LA Times (reg req'd): The Puzzle of Sunnis' Leadership Vacuum
- LA Times (reg req'd): Shiites Wary of U.S. Overtures to Sunni Rebels
- Christian Science Monitor: Noncitizen soldiers: the quandaries of foreign-born troops

(Thanks to Bob Kirkpatrick and an anonymous contributor for forwarding several of the links above)