Contribute a link
If you have found a unique link that you would like to contribute, or have corrections or feedback, e-mail me and I will update the blog. I will not post any forwarded first-hand accounts (soldiers e-mails, discussion group postings, etc) that were not meant for public consumption. Also, I won't post anything that has a very clear political or social bias.
Mail me here:
For reference, I track down most of the links I've found through these search engines:
- Google News
- Yahoo News
- blog search engine
- blog search engine
I've found many of the groups, support and picture sites through advanced Google or Yahoo searches. A good tool for complex Google searches is at
Ryan Kirk
Minneapolis, MN
brother of 2nd BCT soldier
Mail me here:
For reference, I track down most of the links I've found through these search engines:
- Google News
- Yahoo News
- blog search engine
- blog search engine
I've found many of the groups, support and picture sites through advanced Google or Yahoo searches. A good tool for complex Google searches is at
Ryan Kirk
Minneapolis, MN
brother of 2nd BCT soldier
At 7:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for all the hard work you have done, you have done a very impressive job linking all these web sites, I remember long hours searching the web for any information concerning my Son stationed at Ar Ramadi you have all the sites I have found over the last 9 months, and then some. Keep up the good work!
Sincerely, a soldiers Dad.
At 8:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
hello i just thought i would tell you that flight 16 lands tomorrow not today.
At 8:54 AM,
Ryan Kirk said…
Thanks for the tip! The posting was corrected to show the correct arrival date for Flight #16 of Aug 9.
At 10:16 PM,
jc82 said…
Quite a trip down memory lane, I had the dubious honor of being with the 1/503rd inf unit which became 1/9 inf unit later in Ft.Carson. Quite a rough period of many peoples lives, thanks for helping piece together things that escaped my view as a low level support soldier.
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