2nd BCT Media Links

This blog centralized media links for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division during its deployment from Korea to Iraq as part of OIF 2.5, Aug 2004 - July 2005. It was updated daily over the year, with only sporadic updates since. It is left on-line for historical interest (although many links are likely now broken) and as a tribute to the 2nd BCT servicemen who lost their lives serving in Iraq. May they rest in peace and may their legacy be forever remembered.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Articles 10.7.2005 - 10.17.2005

The Australian reports that " A higher than expected turnout by Sunni voters appears to have failed to stop passage of Iraq's draft constitution, with early counts suggesting a yes vote in all but two of the country's 18 provinces." (The AP indicates that it would take 2/3 of voters in 3 provinces voting no to defeat the measure). CNN.com reports that "Most Shiite and Kurdish-dominated provinces were running heavily in favor of the constitution. Anbar province around Ramadi was expected to strongly reject it, as was Salahaddin province, which contains Saddam's hometown of Tikrit, "with partial results pointing to a clear win for the new constitution." Overall, an estimated 63% of eligible voters participated, compared with 58% in the January 2005 elections.

A DoD news article reports that "terrorists caused no major disruptions at the polls in Anbar province." However, several separate coalition actions were reported across the Anbar province that killed an estimated 70 insurgents. In one incident, an F-15 pilot launched a precision guided bond after witnessing 20 men placing an IED in the exact crater in which a separate IED killed 5 servicemen just days earlier. In a separate incident, coalition forces responded to a small-arms attack against the government building in Ramadi. The Washington Post reports on condradictions between the DoD report and accounts from local citizens, who claim many of the casualties were civilians.

The AP indicated that "Though insurgent attacks were few in most of the country on voting day, Ramadi — a stronghold for insurgents — saw violence. Six mortar rounds hit the Hall of Sports, a facility being used as a voting center, then clashes erupted between gunmen and U.S. troops in the city’s center. It was not known if the five soldiers’ deaths were connected to this incident." Reuters reports that "Residents reported heavy gunfire and clashes in central and eastern parts of" Ramadi on Sunday, and says "U.S. forces have conducted a series of operations against insurgents around Ramadi and areas to the west over the past three weeks to try to bring better security ahead of the referendum." A CPIC news release reports that 24 suspected insurgents were detained and 12 killed in Ramadi on 10.15.2005 when "Coalition Forces conducted a series of raids Friday on suspected terrorist safe houses to capture terrorists operating near the town of Ramadi." Several weapons caches were also detained.
An MNF-Iraq press release reports that 11 Soldiers and Marines have been killed in Ramadi in October. 5 soldiers were killed in an IED attack on 10.15.2005. Our hearts go out to their families.


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