2nd BCT Media Links

This blog centralized media links for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division during its deployment from Korea to Iraq as part of OIF 2.5, Aug 2004 - July 2005. It was updated daily over the year, with only sporadic updates since. It is left on-line for historical interest (although many links are likely now broken) and as a tribute to the 2nd BCT servicemen who lost their lives serving in Iraq. May they rest in peace and may their legacy be forever remembered.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Articles 7.28.2005

The Fwd Detachment indicates that Flight #8 is scheduled to arrive at 7:15 p.m. tonight, carrying Soldiers in the 44th Eng, 102 MI, and 1-506th.
The Pueblo Chieftain, CO, and Colorado 9 News have articles on 2nd BCT Soldiers temporarily staying in the dorms at Colorado State University-Pueblo. About 300 Soldiers of the 2-17th FA are staying there until released for their 30-day leave period. The university was contacted by Ft. Carson because of the Colorado State Games are being held in Colorado Springs, creating a shortage of hotel space.
KRDO News has an article on the previously announced news that the 4th ID will move from Ft. Hood to Ft. Carson, likely in the spring of 2007 after a 12 month tour in Iraq which starts this fall. The article mentions that "TODAY’S NEWS COMES ON THE HEELS OF THIS WEEK’S CONTINUED ARRIVAL OF THE 2ND BRIGADE COMBAT TEAM. THERE'S A POSSIBILITY THAT UNIT, CURRENTLY PART OF THE 2ND I-D, WILL BECOME PART OF THE 4TH I-D."
A Department of Defense news transcript discusses the restructuring of the Army's Modular Brigade Combat Teams and increase in number of BCTs from 33 to 43. Army Vice Chief of Staff Richard Cody mentioned the 2nd BCT three times:
- "You all have heard about Secretary Rumsfeld's Integrated Global Presence and Basing Strategy. So the second strategic initiative that's knit together in this restationing announcement are the initial stages of the return to the United States from overseas of Army units, some 50,000 soldiers; from Germany, 1st ID and 1st AD -- 1st Infantry Division, 1st Armored Division, and from Korea, the 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division."
- "We're going to re-station some of these units coming off of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Operations -- Operation Enduring Freedom, as they rotate back to the United States. One in particular is the 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division from Korea, which is now in Iraq, will not return to Korea."
- "And BRAC allowed us also, as Mr. DuBois said, to be able to optimize all the posts, camps and stations that have maneuver training and get the footprint of the Army, as it comes back from Europe and as parts of the Army comes back from Korea and as we grow to 43 maneuver brigades. It affords the opportunity to put the right formations at the right posts, camps and stations for training, for quality of life for the families, for power projection, for a(n) Army expeditionary force, to sustain a global war on terrorism. [...] As Mr. DuBois said, this used to be two brigades. That brigade's 2nd of the 2nd. That's the one that we put into Operation Iraqi Freedom, rotation number three. They have already started redeploying. Those soldiers came from Korea, fully trained, and moved right into Iraq and, as you know, have fought there for 12 months and done a super job. Their families are all over the United States. Usually those soldiers would come back to another post, camp or station and rejoin their old outfit. Now that we're moving the whole brigade back, we had to find a place for -- because the 3rd -- because of our studies, we looked at all the different posts, and because the 3rd Army Cav Regiment was deployed, we elected to put them here, at Fort Carson. And there was a good reason for it. We looked at everything else. So they're already coming home. Their families are already moving there. That unit will change its flag over time and become a brigade of the 4th Infantry Division. And we'll stabilize that formation."
Other articles from the region:
- Associated Press: Iraq Builds Up Military, Police Forces
- Associated Press: Iraq Urges Neighbors to Stop Infiltrators
- Washington Post: Iraqi Charter to Give Religion a Big Role


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