2nd BCT Media Links

This blog centralized media links for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division during its deployment from Korea to Iraq as part of OIF 2.5, Aug 2004 - July 2005. It was updated daily over the year, with only sporadic updates since. It is left on-line for historical interest (although many links are likely now broken) and as a tribute to the 2nd BCT servicemen who lost their lives serving in Iraq. May they rest in peace and may their legacy be forever remembered.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

2BCT on 2nd deployment to Iraq

The 2nd Brigade Combat Team of the 2nd Infantry Division is back in Iraq, with most of the brigade in the vicinity of Baghdad, including Sadr City, and one battalion (1/9 INF) back in Ramadi. This 2nd deployment began in Oct 2006. Early details of the deployment are provided by the Colorado Springs Gazette.

The official web-site and Family Readiness Group site is www.carson.army.mil/2BCT/.

Since my brother has left the brigade for another assignment, this blog will not be updated for this 2nd deployment. If anyone is interested in taking over the role here of providing centralized news links, I will gladly turn over all administration control.

To the soldiers of the 2BCT, Godspeed on this 2nd tour, stay safe, and stay strong.


  • At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    How are you, hope things are good. Even though not with our guys of the 2BCT I am sure you have or will go through this deployment thing again with Major Kirk.God luck if/when that occurs. We got to within 2 weeks of ETS last Aug when Sgt Bob got held over for deployment with his guys.

    Selfishly I will miss your amazing research and blog (I already have). It was a great source of comfort and knowledge that helped us get through the 2nd BCT's first tour. Thank you again

    Bob K

  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Ryan Kirk said…

    Hi Bob. I really wish I had time to continue this regardless of my bro being gone, but with an 8 month old son now in the family and me in the final stage of my dissertation, it's not even an option. I will be watching the news closely, though. Best wishes to Sgt Bob! I'll be thinking about him. Sorry to hear about the stop-loss.

    FYI: I really like the Google News Alerts. Just pick key words, and you'll get automatic daily digests. I get one with key word "Ramadi" and one with "Ft. Carson" right now. They've never sent me spam, and it's one click to stop the service when you are done. Really a nice tool.

    Take Care,

  • At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    congrats on the little one. They are wonderful and deserve (need)all the time you have.

    Take care and hope things are well for the major.


  • At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations on the little one. Will miss your updates this go round also. We still have our online family group going, albeit quiet this time around. Guess with experience comes a peace of mind.

    Definately going to try the google feed as ours is in Ramadi once again with the 1-9.
    Thank you.....

  • At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I had been checking your blog for quite some time and reluctantly removed it from my favorites, early in 2006 (after the 2BCT returned). When Lyn posted the link, I was excited...then sad. But DO understand, as your son should get first dibbies on time!

    I have a few Google searches set up now and seem to get plenty of news. But not all are as relevant as yours. Good luck and thanks for the 'companionship'.


  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger cyouincourt007 said…

    Greetings to all....I just wanted to drop in & share my appreciation for this site,our troops and their families.....God Bless You folks.....and as long as my sites online so too will be my link to here....that we may never forget


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