Ft. Carson Fwd Detachment Town Hall Meeting
Thanks, Amanda!
Update 14:00 cst
Amanda wrote back to say there has been some technical difficulties updating the web-site, and she forwarded the information provided by Cpt McMaster, the Forward Deployment Executive Officer. Here is the information he shared, verbatim:
" * The "Official" dates have not been set. "Tentative" plans to bring the main body of the unit home are set for sometime in August. Again, these plans can change. You all know the standard disclaimer -- All times and dates are subjected to change without notice.
* This information will be posted and up dated on the Official vFRG website. The thought is that this is one of the best ways to reach as many family members as possible considering the numerous locations. The site to check is the http://www.desertstrike.armyfrg.org/ and look for the FT Carson FRG link. Information will also be coming from the Rear Detachment here at Ft Carson.
* If you have had a change in your contact information notify the Rear Detachment with this updated contact information ASAP. This info will be used when it comes to making sure that everyone knows when their soldier is expected to arrive. You can email that updated info along with your Soldiers information to ricardo.ocasio@carson.army.mil
* Family members (FM) will not be allowed to meet the soldiers at the airport. This is how 7th ID has done things here at Ft Carson in the past. Our Soldiers will need to clear customs, turn in sensitive items (weapons and high cost equipment) and go through some debriefings before they will be reunited with their families. The folks of our Forward D and Ft Carson officials are working to make sure that this process goes smoothly and happens as quickly as possible. As soon as the Soldiers are finished they will be brought to the Special Events Center on Ft Carson. FM's will be allowed to wait there for their Soldiers to arrive.
* The "tentative" plan is to give each of our Soldiers a pass starting after the ceremony at the Special Events Center. The length of this pass is still being worked out and may be anywhere from 24 to 96 hours. Then our Soldiers will return to a regular full day work schedule for phase 2 of the reintegration process. After completion of those tasks there is a plan to allow 30 days of block. Contrary to a rumor that is floating around -- it is NOT free leave. The leave process will work like it has any other time. Also the Soldier also does not have to take 30 days if he/she does not wish.
* There are a number of factors that can effect the arrival of our Soldiers. They will return (to the US) staggered just as they left (Korea/Ft Carson -- our replacements were sent from here). The aircraft can be effected by availability, weather and stop overs for refueling -- among others. When they left to go to Iraq it took over 14 days for the BCT to leave Korea, so it could very well take the same for the trip back to Ft Carson. The Official Web site will be your best place for "up to date accurate Official information."
* When the Soldiers are getting ready to leave theater there will be a communications black out lasting anywhere from 24 - 72 hours before their departure. Only Official communication will be possible at that time. From that time on all the updated information will come from the Forward Detachment here at Ft Carson and the Official website."