2nd BCT involved in Operation Sword
Xinhua news reports that "Nine people were killed in Iraq's western town of Hit on Wednesday...Local residents said US and Iraqi forces surrounded the town and imposed curfew as dozens of soldiers took the roofs of high buildings for sniper positions...US and Iraqi forces gave the residents of the Haditha town a period of two days to hand over insurgents, otherwise their town would be attacked, Muhammed al-Hadithi, a local resident told Xinhua." (side note: some reports from Xinhua during the Oct/Nov assault on Fallujah later proved to be inaccurate, but of course it's too early to know in this instance.)
The Associated Press reports that "The new campaign is focusing on communities along the Euphrates River between the towns of Hit and Haditha." CNN reports that "U.S. and Iraqi forces conducting a military offensive in western Iraq have detained 13 people and killed an insurgent amid light resistance, the Marines said Wednesday." Munitions and roadside bombs have been found during searches.
There is no indication of which 2nd BCT units are involved.
Posted 09:00 est
Bob Kirkpatrick forwarded the link to a MNF-Iraq news release: "Iraq Security Forces and approximately 1,000 Marines, Sailors and Soldiers from Regimental Combat Team-2 , comprised of elements of 2nd Marine Regiment and 2nd Brigade Combat Team of the 2nd Marine Division began conducting security operations... Operation Saif (Sword) began early June 28 to clear the area along the Euphrates to clear the area along the Euphrates River between the cities of Haditha and Hit of terrorists and foreign fighters... The majority of the units are conducting cordon and knock operations in and around Hit... No major battles or air strikes have occurred during the course of the day's operations."
A previous MNF-Iraq news release said "Operation Saif (Sword) builds upon the successes of Operations Romhe (Spear), Matador, New Market and River Sweep" and "An ISF infantry company, approximately 100 soldiers, are fully integrated with Marine and Army units in Operation Saif."