2nd BCT Media Links

This blog centralized media links for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division during its deployment from Korea to Iraq as part of OIF 2.5, Aug 2004 - July 2005. It was updated daily over the year, with only sporadic updates since. It is left on-line for historical interest (although many links are likely now broken) and as a tribute to the 2nd BCT servicemen who lost their lives serving in Iraq. May they rest in peace and may their legacy be forever remembered.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Articles 3.6.2005

The Associated Press mentions a clash in Ramadi in the photo caption: "Nearby residents observe a car that was shot out by U.S. Forces in Ramadi, an insurgent stronghold 113 kilometers (70 miles) west of Baghdad in Iraq Sunday, March 6, 2005, killing one Iraqi civilian according to a hospital official."
An AFP article makes a reference to Operation River Blitz: " And the US military said that it has detained 400 suspects during a two week operation against insurgents in Al-Anbar. Despite the end of major hostilities in Fallujah, US troops continue to conduct operations around the province's capital Ramadi and towns along the Euphrates river."
A Multi-National Force Iraq news release discusses the status of Operation River Blitz. Key quotes:
- The operation officially began on 2.20.2005 and concluded on 3.5.2005.
- "Enhanced security measures will continue in Al Anbar province to maintain the level of security reached during Operation River Blitz."
- "Iraqi Security and Coalition Forces detained more than 400 suspected terrorists and seized numerous weapons caches throughout Al Anbar Province. The number of terrorist attacks dropped significantly during the operation."
- "The access control points have proven very effective in preventing weapons and terrorists from entering the city."
Other articles from the region:
- Reuters: U.S. Army Struggles to Coax Recruits Amid Iraq War
- Reuters: Iraq's National Assembly Due to Meet March 16


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