2nd BCT Media Links

This blog centralized media links for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division during its deployment from Korea to Iraq as part of OIF 2.5, Aug 2004 - July 2005. It was updated daily over the year, with only sporadic updates since. It is left on-line for historical interest (although many links are likely now broken) and as a tribute to the 2nd BCT servicemen who lost their lives serving in Iraq. May they rest in peace and may their legacy be forever remembered.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Articles 10.04.2004

The Hickory Daily Record, NC, carries a personal story of a wife affected by the "back-to-back" hardship tours of the 2nd BCT. Kristen Sabat, wife of Cpt. Jason Sabat, met with staff-member of Senator Elizaboth Dole (R-NC) in Washington. The primary complaints mentioned in the article were that 1) "Army regulations state soldiers are not required to serve two back-to-back hardship tours of duty, or be away from family longer than 24 months" and 2) "She says her husband’s hardship pay was reduced from $150 per month while in Korea to $105 per month in Iraq." Mrs. Sabat also sent a petition to the Senate Armed Services Committee signed by more than 2,5000 neighbors, acquaintances and military wives. The Charlotte Observer (Free Registration Required) also picked up on this story.
An Associated Press report mentions clashes in Ramadi between troops and gunmen. Two car bombs exploded in Ramadi on 10.04.2004, killing four Iraqis. Following one of the car bombs, "Witnesses said a wounded U.S. soldier was seen being carried away by his colleagues after the blast, which punched a crater into the ground and mangled a nearby vehicle. The U.S. military said it had no informatin on the incident." In the second incident, "A car bomb in the city Tuesdasy targeted a U.S. convoy, wounding four American soldiers, the U.S. military said. U.S. troops opened fire after the explosion, killing three Iraqis in a passing vehicle and wounding a number of others, said police 2nd Lt. Mohammed Ahmed."
Adding to the speculation of possible upcoming offenses in Fallujah and Ramadi, according to this article from middle-east-online.com out of the UK, "Many in [Iraqi Prime Minister] Allawi's government have hinted in recent days that the rebel cities of Fallujah and Ramadi, west of Baghdad, may be targeted next ahead of the scheduled national elections in January.
A terrible tragedy worsens for a 2nd BCT family. As previously reported, Spc. Robert Unruh was killed in action on 9.25.2004. On 10.04.2004, it was announced that Spc. Unruh's mother, Karen Unruh-Wahrer, 45, died of an aneurysm. Our hearts go out to their family.
The Honolulu Advertiser, HI, has an article on Pfc. Joshua Titcomb, who died from wounds sustained in action on 9.29.2004. He had joined the Army in August, 2003. According to his mother, "Joshua fought for a cause he believed in. He died for a cause he believed in. He was willing and proud to serve his country."


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